The strangest phobias
When the simple feeling of fear takes a whole new proportion.
There is fear and there is phobia. A phobia, is the same way as fear, totally unreasonable but much more uncontrollable. Some people have phobia of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), spiders (arachnophobia), snakes (ophidiophobia), heights (acrophobia) or even open spaces (agoraphobia). But here are some phobias you have never heard, we assure you.
Deipnophobia: fear of dining with family or friends.
Aritmofobia: fear of numbers.
Philophobia: fear of falling in love or to love.
Hypnophobia: fear of falling asleep.
Ephebiphobia: fear of young people.
Chaetophobia: fear of getting a haircut or – even worse – fear of the hair itself!
Allodoxaphobia: panic of hearing other people’s opinions.
Genuphobia: fear of knees.
Octophobia: fear of the number 8.
Scriptophobia: Fear of writing in public.
Anuptaphobia: fear of being single.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia: fear of 666, the number of the Beast.
Coulrophobia: panic caused by clowns.
Venustraphobia: fear of beautiful women.
Sinistrophobia: fear of left-handed.
Bibliophobia: fear of books
Omphalophobia: terror caused by belly buttons.
Chirophobia: fear of hands.
Euphobia: a clear pun with the word “euphoria”, this term defines the fear of good news.
Trypophobia: fear of holes.
Papaphobia: fear of the Pope.
Metrophobia: dread of poetry.
Panophobia or panthophobia: fear of everything.