Small steps to be healthier

Would you like to have a healthier life, but it is being hard to change? Try implementing these small steps that you should use daily, to gradually recover your health.

Small steps should not be too costly to put into practice. To successfully implement a new, healthier lifestyle, you should go gradually, so the plan be well settled. For the improvement of your physical condition, check out the changes that can you start from today:

Move more

We know that a sedentary lifestyle is one of the worst enemies of health. Unfortunately, this has become more and more constant nowadays, we spend hours sitting, without moving, whether in the workplace or at home, in front of television or computer screens, and as time is short, we postpone our daily gym. Even if you are really busy and with no time to spare, check what you can do

Start walking a little more every day. Swap your car journeys to work by public transportation, for example. If not possible, park purposely farther from the work and take the remaining route on foot. Lunch in a farther place and walk there.

Change the elevator by the stairs if you do not work on a very high floor, otherwise you may feel too tired or unmotivated The idea is to get far slowly, do not attempt to change suddenly

More fruits, vegetables and dried fruits

If you haven’t managed to give up more gluttonous meals yet, with excess fats and sugars, be sure to at least consume a lot of fruit, vegetables and some nuts. If you lack willpower, first change the quality of your snacks, evolving later to the main meals. Choose, for example, a fruit that you like to replace one of the less healthy snacks in mid-morning or afternoon, for pieces of fruit or raw vegetables, such as carrots and a handful of dried fruit. Always have some in the bag. So, when you get hungry, you may eat them instead of eating a cake or salty snack. Try to always include a portion of vegetables, even small, at every meal. Even though at first they can only serve to adorn the plate, you will see how quickly you adapt to eat them.

Reduce sugar

Refined sugar is one of our worst enemies, living without it would be ideal. try to gradually reduce the amount of refined sugar you put in drinks. When drinking coffee, instead to use an entire package of sugar, pour a little less. Progressively until you drink with the least amount of sugar. After a couple of months, you will notice the difference.

If you drink soda or sugary drinks daily, make an effort to change, at least one of them, for a bottle of water.


Save ten minutes a day to relax. It can be on the journey home or for example, before bed. To achieve a healthier body, we also must pay attention to the mind. High cortisol levels, triggered by stress, are harmful. Abstract the world around you and focus on empty your mind of the problems.

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