I want to sleep better. But how?
We have the right tips so you can have a great night of sleep.
Sleep is essential for health and well-being [inserir link do artigo anterior]. But sometimes we don’t spend our night as we should. That’s why we bring up useful tips to those who want to sleep better.
Boost your calendar
Your body has a biological clock, and sleep is no exception. To begin with, set a schedule of the daily bedtime. The less unpredictable your sleep time is, the better your body will respond. In the same line of thought, it is also important to wake up at about the same hour every day.
Nap: fight for it
If, by chance, you didn’t get to sleep all you needed last night, try your best to restore the lost hours of sleep with a nap after lunch hour.
Do you have a diary? Write about sleep
Register all adversities of your sleep, you will have a better notion of what is or is not working, and consequently, adopt new tactics to achieve an efficient sleep method.
Avoid the couch after dinner
When you’re tired, it is natural that, after the last meal of the day, you want to relax on the sofa while reading or watching TV. However, fatigue settles in and you may find yourself tempted to fall asleep. This is wrong: this kind of sleepiness deadly affects your sleep schedule. Try to be more active, do domestic chores, call a friend or take a night walk.
Learn to manage light
Our biological functioning is structured to wake up in the presence of light and sleep when it’s dark. However, and since the widespread use of artificial light, humans are still getting used to this new trend, which has only one hundred years and interferes with a kind living in the earth for nearly two million years. So whenever you want to sleep, avoid looking at screens and have many lights. It is important that it is exposed throughout the day to the maximum of natural light as possible to adjust the biological clock.
Do exercise
The physical fatigue is an excellent enhancer of a good night of sleep. Get used to be tired, either mentally and physically.
Prepare a cozy bed
The space where you sleep should be carefully prepared. A firm mattress but comfortable cushions that assure stability of the posture and blankets to keep you warm enough are the indispensable material for an ideal night of sleep.