Children Sports: Put the kids to move!
The practice of sports from an early age is key to a healthy life. Learn about the benefits of children sports.
The practice of sports from an early age is key to a healthy life.
The habit of practicing sport should be included early in children, so they can get used to and have it in your lifestyle. Although there is an increasing number of children practicing different types of physical exercise, we are still far from ideal; even more if you count the increasingly technological society, which makes children free time less prone to outdoor activities, since time in front of screens is growing every day.
The children’s sport has the advantage, besides the obvious additions to the physical and mental health, early developing other practices that would only be acquired later in life such as teamwork. The interaction with other children and with adults, coaches or teachers, is developed in an organized way and children acquire communication, leadership skills, and team spirit, which will be valuable for life.
There are two very important skills that are developed in kids who do some kind of exercise: self-esteem and confidence. The encouragement generally given by coaches, teachers and by parents, through constructive criticism, the little ones learn to accept and manage the advice of others. Also the strategic thinking required in team sports promotes mental development. The coordination work in any mode is another of the factors of development of the child.
Despite the benefits that come from exercise habits in children, this should not be mandatory if they show resistance to its practice. The result, in this case, can be the opposite, since children can create a subsequent aversion to sports practice and may avoid it in the future, creating a less healthy lifestyle.