How to gain muscle mass after the 40’s
Increase muscle after 40 years old is impossible and advisable. Do you know how to pay attention to your muscle mass?
Muscle mass begins decrease naturally after the 30 years of age. We know that strong muscles are essential for a healthier life, as they make your body stronger. What you may not know is that the process of the loss of muscle mass can be fought and even the older population is advised to do strength training, if their physical condition allows it.
A body with higher percentage of muscle mass becomes stronger and manages to be autonomous and independent for longer, delaying external aid. Weight training contributes to the improvement of joints, respiratory and cardiovascular health, increased flexibility, to speak only of some of the benefits. Furthermore, weight training helps to strengthen the posture, if the exercises are performed correctly.
Less hormone production
In fact, the important hormones for increasing muscle, such as testosterone, see its production reduced in this age, and as bodybuilding is not sweet pear, it implies extra careful in the choice of training, nutrition and rest. The reduction in metabolic rate, characteristic of aging, also hinders muscle gains.
Train the whole body
For those who have already crossed the corner of the 40´s, strength training must be combined with a moderate cardiovascular work. Training probably won’t start very intensive, but there are small tips that can help you increase resistance at the beginning, as to hold weights in your hands while doing squats, that will force leg muscles and glutes to a greater effort than usual.
It is essential to create a training routine that covers all the muscle groups without focusing only on one of them, unless you receive medical indications to do so, in order to promote the overall balance and body posture.
Many proteins
In order to increase muscle mass, especially in this age group, it is important to increase your metabolic rate, as wells as do a proper diet. Reinforce protein intake, especially lean ones as white meat, tofu or fish, they will allow the regeneration of the muscles and the development of new muscle fibers. The daily protein intake recommendation is 0.8 grams per kilogram of weight, but the general opinion is that it is not enough for greater muscle gains, or a picture of health, so if you want more details of this calculation, talk to your doctor.
Omega-3 fatty acids contain many antioxidants, vitamin D to strengthen the bone structure and foods rich in zinc, selenium or potassium are also essential components in the diet of people at this age.