The benefits of reading to children
We know that reading is one of the healthiest habits that exists. Especially if they are created early.
Reading not only makes our world extremely rich as it stimulates our imagination and develops our reasoning and critical spirit. Therefore, read to the kids is no exception on the benefits. By promoting regular contact with books at very early ages is especially important for children to develop reading habits later. There are studies that indicate that the greater the number of books that exist in a child, the greater will be the school performance.
Scientists and researchers claim that the constitution chemical of children brain changes when they regularly listen to book readings. There is evidence that the brain development of children between three and five years show differences when they have a habit of listening to reading, and those who never listen readings. Children who grow up in homes in which reading is stimulated demonstrated, in several studies carried out, increased activity in areas of the brain that help to understand narratives and forming visual images. When in age for school, teachers can easily identify which children are used to books or not. The first show a greater ease of understanding, a rich vocabulary and a greater wish to read than demonstrated by children who have little contact with books.