12 reasons to cycle a lot
Have you thought about the many benefits that cycling can bring to all areas of your life?
Whether it is physical, cognitive, or economic or emotional level, cycling represents a clear advantage for all who practice it.
It helps the brain
Researchers at the University of Illinois, USA, found that cycling helps your brain building new connections between neurons in the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memory. People who constantly cycle have about 15% improvement in mental testing results.
It saves your joints
This is an ideal sport for those who don’t want to sacrifice joints. As the body weight is placed on the bicycle seat and not on the lower limbs.
Weight loss
Cycling regularly is great for those who want to lose weight. A vigorous cycling session of at least 35 minutes can burn more than 500 calories, but even a calmer ride can burn nearly 200.
It tones the body
Cycling essentially uses the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, so it is great for toning these muscle sets. Abdominal muscles also benefit from regular practice of cycling, as they contract each time you pedal.
Family life
Cycling in family is a fun and enjoyable way to strengthen emotional ties within the family. The lack of family time can be easily resolved with tours during the end-of-week.
Ally of the depressions
There is a great oxygenation of the brain when you cycle, so this activity becomes important to prevent states of depression, stress, sadness or other psychological disturbances.
Cardiorespiratory health
Cycling is an essentially aerobics activity, thus it contributes to your cardiorespiratory health. Cycling strengthens the lungs and the heart, helping to stabilize the heartbeat and promote the health of veins and arteries, expanding them.
Look younger
The impact that the cycling has on the circulation of blood is notorious. This allows you to more efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells at the same time, eliminating many toxins.
Improve your sleep
If you suffer from insomnia or poor sleep, a bicycle may be the solution. Exercise releases endorphins and serotonin that enhance your sense of well-being, making you more relaxed, which is essential for sleep.
Environmentally friendly
Do you know a “greener” way of transportation than a bicycle? The fuel that moves it is your body, there is no harmful gases released into the atmosphere. In addition, it does not necessary steal anything from nature in order to move.
It saves you a lot of money
Without gasoline, inspections, parking or insurance, the only cost that you will take is the purchase of the bicycle. There are several options, cheap and expensive. Choose the one you prefer.
Outdoor exercise
It exposes you to the daily light, allowing your body to synthesize vitamin D, which requires a daily sun exposure of about at least 15 minutes.